I know. This blog needs work. The paint is peeling, the shingles are scattered on the lawn, the ivy is growing in thru the windows, the mail is piling up on the front stoop. But it's still here. And after seven years, that's saying something. In that time, our family has struggled with the loss of our boys in late 2004. We regrouped, embarked again upon the journey of pregnancy, and welcomed with joyful tears the birth of our fierce and beautiful daughter, Tori, in June 2006. We have struggled thru the economic recession (2008-?), endured bankruptcy, and the near loss of our home. We've lost or beloved mutt, Bubba, and welcomed a new dog, Cannie-Belle, into our family. In 2011, we took in my mother-in-law after the loss of her home. Tori started school in September. She has grown into an inquisitive, creative, and loving 5-year-old.
After an 11-year hiatus, I've started writing (and submitting) poetry again. My first collection of poems--Far from Luck--was published by Lucky Bat Books. I embarked on an ongoing photo project--Everyone Has a Name--aimed at improving society's view and treatment of the homeless. Both projects have proven rewarding in ways I could not have imagined.
As the blog enters its eighth year, I want to thank you, my readers, for sticking with me, for offering your insights, generous support, and commentary, and for helping to give this blog its flavor.
I'll try to get around to painting the porch this year. Promise.
You go, Charlie. We're pulling for you. All the best.
Posted by: Pale | January 28, 2012 at 02:10 PM
Congratulations on seven years. I personally love buildings (and blogs) with peeling paint; it gives them more charm.
Posted by: Solitary Diner | January 28, 2012 at 07:20 PM
Congrats on seven years. I always saw this space as this amazing evolution, kinda like you. No peeling paint....It's changed so much but so have you my friend. Congrats!
Posted by: Jo-Ann | January 28, 2012 at 10:08 PM
Forget porch-painting, Charlie. You've got more important stuff to do than worry about appearances -- or lowering your neighbors' property values. Looking forward to Seven Years v2.0.
Posted by: trainwatcher | January 29, 2012 at 05:12 AM
Your writing is such a gift to us all, Charlie, I don't care if the porch falls right off, I'll still come visit all the time :)
Posted by: Darcy | January 31, 2012 at 11:57 AM
The blank page is a metaphor as texting is to the blind. We are that is typed or written for it shall be there long after we have left. Chores or tasks are better left for another time. Better to perfect the craft of writing to reflect upon the moment and be damned.
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